Who should be my executor?
I recently saw a Will where the only executor nominated was a Government agency. The many downsides to this include their costs for administering the estate, the fact that they don't know where documents are so the family still have to go through everything and IF you can get them to renounce (to save the estate thousands of dollars), you also need to go to Court to have an alternate executor appointed.

I strongly recommend:
1. select an Executor who knows where your things are (the Executor's job is just that - a job - not a gift!)
2. ALWAYS appoint an alternate Executor in case your first Executor cannot do the job for any reason
3. If you want to appoint a solicitor or a Government agent, make sure you know what that means for your estate when you die. How much will they charge? Do their policies mean that they are not open to options such as obtaining probate?
Contact My Will Qld for all of your Estate Planning, Wills and Powers of Attorney. 1300 411 341. www.mywillqld.com.au or email wills@mywillqld.com.au